Almost Dzogchen is designed to provide a Western Vajrayana Buddhist practicitioner view on what is happening out in my world. In no way should my views be considered those of someone who knows what I am talking about or should you consider me to know much about Dzogchen, Vajrayana Buddhism, or Buddhism at all. I am just slowly plodding along the path to Enlightenment.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Wife is My Teacher

Far from Enlightened, I travel through each day trying to keep my Buddhist - Dzogchen practices fresh in my mind. However, it takes very little to throw me off and set me right down in the middle of this crazy world.

For some years, I have attempted to keep track of my better thinkings, record the meaningful stories, and remember the valuable lessons. Better yet, I feel, is if I could just apply some of the wonderful teachings that I have received over the years from great teachers....Then I just go and get caught up in the shit of my daily life. Hmmm!

I think that my wife is definitely my best guide. I could never fool myselfinto thinking that I really "knew" anything to teach others because she always (softly) reminds me each time I am not thinking, speaking, or behaving in a compassionate and loving manner. You know, she can catch me in even the tiniest moment of anger or frustation. I really really try to hid these little fits and bursts but she knows.

She will say "You are getting mad."

"No, I am not. Everything is just fine! I was just asking ...." I respond.

But really....I was getting mad. Oops!

Well, Here we go. Hope that during the journey someone, somehow, somewhere, might enjoy the thoughts posted here.

Rather than attempting to expound on technical Dzogchen View and Dharma, here I am going to just lay out one Western Practicitioners (likley corrupted) views on what is going on.

Many Dharma Blessings