Destroying Buddhism
If you haven’t read yet, then you can now know that our kind Chinese friends in Tibet, at the Samye Monastery have forcibly destroyed a 30-foot gold and copper statue of Guru Rinpoche.
According to the official report, the statue violated some kind of “new rule” put in place this year by the Chinese. One report says that it is about about erecting statues must have a permit. Other sources say it is about religious items put in place by people that are not registered members of the facility.
Either way, it’s just a bunch of bullshit created by the occupying forces. As I see it, this recent action is directly related to the fact that China has miscalculated the results of their own actions of opening up Tibet to all of the Chinese.
When you have an autocratic government, you face the result of rule sometimes called “The rule of unforeseen consequences.”
Like when they invaded Tibet, the Chinese indirectly spread Vajrayana Buddhism throughout the world. It is like trying to get rid of a puddle of water by throwing a huge stone in. You might get rid of some of the water in the puddle but the water splashes all over the place. Vajrayana Masters are now found throughout the world disseminating Buddhism in every continent.
Now, China has decided to turn Lhasa into China’s Disneyland. What they did not anticipate is the millions of the visitors would go back home with more than pretty pictures and souvenirs. They have become interested in the Buddha-Dharma.
“Oh shit?” the Communist party thinks. “Now what are we going to do?”
Too late guys. The cat is out. The end of the Communist party is likely within the next 20 years. Some outside force will not destroy China’s Communism. It will be destroyed from within China. And watch out when it happens!
Now lets step back to the destruction of this great statue – which incidentally was constructed with money from two very wealthy Chinese families (not Tibetan). You see the Chinese are scared about all of this!
You might think that it would be appropriate to get angry but read below first:
I think that it was Nargajuna who said that:
Even if they destroy Buddhist texts, sacred objects, or statues; these are only just representations of the Buddhism.
However, if you allow yourself to get angry or upset – namely allow any such action to destroy your peace of mind, then it is you that have destroyed to true Buddha. You have destroyed the Buddha-Dharma.
So even when someone harms such sacred items, we must pray for them. For those of us that have a Christian background, I think we have another version of this “God, forgive them for they know not what they have done. “
Sound familiar?
Many Dharma Blessings,
Oh by the way if you want to read about the events at Samye, here are two links:,4291,0,0,1,0
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