Letter From Chatral Rinpoche

I just received the letter from Lama Osel in Brazil. He asked me to please post this important message from Chatral Rinpoche to students of Vajrayana Buddhism as well as teachers and organizers of centers. This was also published in the Taiwanese newspaper “China Times,” on Sunday April 22, 2007 on page A1.
It appears that there are many abusing their alleged connection to Chatral Rinpoche in order to attract power, money, and influence. They are claiming to have a “special connection” which they then misuse and abuse. (I am not surprised!) This letter was written and published in Taiwan, for primarily the Taiwanese community. However, I find it appropriate for this Declaration to the West as well. Second, while Chatral Rinpoche has not spoken of those abusing and misusing the names of other great masters, the Declaration can be applied to them as well.
The letter is attached as it was translated into English. For the benefit of anyone who wants to read, I have rewritten (with minor corrections in the translation) below for easy reading:
a) I wish to say a few important guidelines with regard to misuse of my humble name by different Buddhist monks, yogis, and lamas – those who are either visiting Taiwan or [have] settled down in southeast Asia in different countries despite of my repeated appeal to everyone. It is a matter of big surprise for me that several Buddhist Lamas whom I have never even met in my lifetime nor never given them any teachings, are also using my humble name continuously for their personal monetary benefit which is an extreme matter of shame and a big fraud. Wearing monk’s robes, cheating, and misleading lay people are a serious crime and breaks all Buddha’s principal Vows. [You are] sowing serious [negative] Karma for yourself and at the same time ruining Buddhism. I feel sorry for such gross negative activities by [these] Buddhist lamas, khenpos, yogis, and monks residing abroad. I strongly object to those who are using my name directly or indirectly by any means.
My constant guidelines and advice to all persons [whether he is a] reincarnated lama, yogi, khenpo or ordinary monk, with whom I happen to meet from day to day, are always same and are [stated] below:
1. If you are a serious Buddhist student and Dzogpa Chenpo (Dzogchen) practicitioners, one should spend your life in retreat with minimum comfort and giving up all luxuries of attachment.
2. Do not waste your time in touring all foreign countries including Taiwan – [this] is fruitless.
3. Do not beg for donations [using] different excuses such as construction of a big monastery, stupa, zangdokpalri, or bumtsog; big offerings; or setting up a new Buddhist center.
4. Do not sell out Dzogpz Chenpo under different pretext for your own personal benefit.
5. Always be humble and do not try to expose yourself in front of others even though you may have [some] knowledge [of] Buddhism.
6. Do not cheat others in the name of Dzogchpa Chenpo by giving initiations or teachings which you have never received from a legitimate high lama or Guru and [have] not done practice by yourself.
7. Finally, I myself never have [even the]slightest desire to visit any foreign country nor have I any specific reason [to do so].
b. In the past, I have experienced several occasions, that despite my unwillingness and objection, reincarnate lamas, yogis, khenpos and monks who have come to see me are taking photographs with me by force under different pretexts. Due to electronic supremacy, people are coming with different types of electronic equipment so as to record my voice or photograph me, which are not easy to detect by people of my age.
c. Hence, I [hereby] notify all the Buddhist followers all over the world, do not, I repeat, do not believe the person who is possessing such photographs or are making false claims that he or she is my student in the past or present. Please do not believe [them] on just showing a photograph, video, [or others items with me]. Therefore, I, the undersigned with full consent, reject such types of false claims made by different Buddhist centers, monasteries, institutes, reincarnate lamas, khenpos, yogis, and ordinary monks henceforth.
In conclusion, once again, I sincerely appeal to all Buddhist followers all over the world and Buddhist Centers including the people who are taking interest in Buddhism religion; kindly take note of my above cited humble declaration and suggestions. After seeing this article in newspapers, I hope [that] everyone would clearly understand me and my personal opinion hereafter.
Dated April 19, 2007
Thanking you,
Declaration by Chatral Sangay Dorje
We are constantly faced with false teachers and false practicitioners here and throughout the world. You have a teacher? Check his authority and lineage closely. there are many fakes out there. It seems that we in the United States are willing to follow just about anyone if we like what they are saying - as if this means what they are saying must be true. It also plays well with the all too many self-help experts who make up all kind of stuff and then find amny who openly follow them. It is almost like, if you make it up and it sounds good, you can sell it! I guess those who follow get what they deserve.
I take Chatral Rinpoche’s advice to heart and remind myself to focus on my daily practice with no expectation of fame, fortune, praise, or recognition.
Many Dharma Blessings,
Labels: Chatral Rinpoche