Protests In Myanmar (Burma)
Anyone who has read the news or check international activities on the web has surely become aware of the amazing peaceful protest taking place in Myanmar (Burma) over the last week. See for example Herald Tribune ( or
Guardian (,,2176613,00.html).
I pray for the safety of all the people of this country and for the removal of this despicable military government. It has taken the efforts of tens of thousands of Buddhist monks peacefully protesting to raise the attention of the world to this country’s terrible regime.
Of interesting note is the acts of the Buddhist monks leading the protest with no more than begging bowls in hand and chants of love and compassion in their hearts. Even the military can be brought down with love and compassion outpouring from such thousands.
I read one article likening their methods to Matin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandhi. Actually, world press, this is Buddhist practices in action. We as Buddhist learn that we should stand up against injustice but should refrain from harming another person in doing so.
May the ways of peaceful and nonviolent resistance prevail.
Please say prayers of support and protection to these peaceful warriors.
(there is an interesting sideline to this matter related to China and its support (again) of a despicable regime….but you can look up that matter for yourself if you chose.)
Many Dharma Blessings,
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