Almost Dzogchen is designed to provide a Western Vajrayana Buddhist practicitioner view on what is happening out in my world. In no way should my views be considered those of someone who knows what I am talking about or should you consider me to know much about Dzogchen, Vajrayana Buddhism, or Buddhism at all. I am just slowly plodding along the path to Enlightenment.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Commitment: Following Through on our Promises

Yesterday, I watch portions of the Senate hearings on Immigration Policies and Enforcement on C-Span TV. The most interesting part for me was the how each of the Seantors approaches the same set of issues from their own very specific set of concerns and beliefs.

The elder white haired statesman from Alabama was most concerned about why INS exceeded a cap on the number of Immigrants that the Congress had set for this category of visas. Issue: You should follow our rules: Spend your time enforcing the rules!

A certain Senator from Illinois then laid out a scenario about a Korean girl who had lived in the United States since the age of 2 and has been "illegal" for 14 years in the US. Now 17 years old, she has been accepted at Juliards. Upon an inquiry to INS by the Senator on behalf of the family, he has been advised that this girl must return back "home" to Korea. Issue: We need to work toward fixing such inequities and laws. Where the enforcement of a law results in unfair or unjust treatment, then make exceptions and change the law.

There are two very different views here.

The series of questions and answers continued on with each Senator's questioning reflecting their specific constiuents and issues.

I guess the system works. Through the process of each Senator working for what they feel is important and each Senator respresenting the sentiment of a percentage of the US population, the "will of the people" slowly but surely progresses.

The best representatives are those with a passion to follow throughon what they say they are going to do. We might not agree with their point of view but their determination and commitment to do what they need to do is commendable.

What has remained with me from watching this, is the reminder to follow through on my intentions and commitments. If I do not carry the responsibility to do what I promised, then who will?

The same rules apply to my commitment to my practices. So today, I renew my promise to
prevent negative thinking
never surrender to obstacles
never abandon my Dharma practice and
continuously help all beings to awaken.

Many Dharma Blessings,
