Almost Dzogchen is designed to provide a Western Vajrayana Buddhist practicitioner view on what is happening out in my world. In no way should my views be considered those of someone who knows what I am talking about or should you consider me to know much about Dzogchen, Vajrayana Buddhism, or Buddhism at all. I am just slowly plodding along the path to Enlightenment.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Authentic Guides and Our Daily Practice

We just had the wonderful gift of having a great Lama stay with us for over two weeks. One of the best discussion I had with him addressed teachers, especially teachers available to us here in the West.

The conclusion: Watch out! Most of those who travel to the West are not what they claim. Most add lots of titles and designations to their resume when they pass through customs.

I have had the opportunity to meet some great masters including Chatral Rinpoche at his retreat home in Nepal. I know that there is a marketable difference in the pace and presence of someone with this level of practice and wisdom. Despite meeting such a great master, I am not going to trust my own judgement when it comes to the authenticity or qualities of a teacher.

Lama-la emphasized the importance of practice over getting more and more teachings. So for now, I shall continue my daily practice.

By the way, we are experiencing a solar eclipse today (March 29, 2006) so the karmic effects of all our thoughts, words, and deeds are multiplied 100,000 times. Best to do good and practice.

Many Dharma Blessings,
