Clearing/Cleansing the 9 Dead Winds
As part of the beginning of many meditative Vajrayana Practices and especially first thing in the morning, I have been taught that we should Clear or Cleanse the 9 Dead Winds. This exercised is included in the first part of our practice along with calming the mind, taking refuge in the Three Jewels, and setting our intention. It is the second step of the “Buddha Path Practice.”
I have been taught many different ways to do the clearing/cleansing practice. The differences are really based on the complexity of the procedure and the approaches adopted by certain centers and teachers. All seem to accomplish the same result. Over the years, I have found it enjoyable to learn the different ways noting the subtle differences in each method.
Rather than trying to explain one or more of the actual procedures, I would suggest that you seek the advice of a teacher or the student of Vajrayana Buddhism to show you their method. There are many different ways to do. Here, I just want to focus on what rather than how.
While oftentimes not mentioned by many teachers and texts, it should be noted that the channels are reverse for men and women. Since I am a man, I will explain for male order. Just note that for women the left and right channels are the mirror image and as such are reversed. It should be noted that the reason for this is related to Tantric unions - teachings which are way beyond my level of knowledge and training.
Our bodies and our speech are tools to aid in the training of our mind/thinking. Khenpo Choga Rinpoche says that our body can support and help 25%. Our speech, namely what we say, can support and help 50%. Until we remove all negative thinking and emotions, we use our bodies and our speech to support our mind training. In this preliminary exercise, we are using our bodies to help with cleansing the three poisons (desire, aversion, ignorance).
Each channel (left, right, and central) is cleansed 3 times. The repetition is the opportunity to cleanse three levels of each poison (or negative emotion) with the help of the channels and our bodies. We begin with the most gross level, followed by the more subtle level, and the finally most subtle level.
As I do the Cleansing, I note the following (remember they are reversed for women):
(1) Left Channel (Skt. lalana; Tib. kyangma) is red in color. Lalana is used to purify the negative winds of hate, anger and aversion. The cleansing breath out the left nostril (exit point of the left channel) cleanses the following (from stronger to softer and subtler forms of the emotion):
Hatred - 1st cleansing breath of lalana: cleanse all hatred
Anger - 2nd cleansing breath of lalana, cleanse all anger
Aversion – 3rd cleansing breath of the lalana, cleanse all aversions
(2) Right Channel (Skt. rasana; Tib. roma) is white in color. Rasana channel is used to purify the negative winds of cravings, desire, and attraction. The cleansing breath out the right nostril (exit point of the right channel) cleanses the following:
Cravings – 1st cleansing breath of the Rasana, cleanse all cravings
Desires – 2nd cleansing breath of the Rasana, cleanse all selfish desires
Attractions – 3rd cleansing breath of the Rasana, cleanse all attractions
(3) Central Channel (Skt. awaduti; Tib. uma) is sky blue in color. Awaduti channel is used to purify the negative winds of wrong views, confusion, and ignorance. The cleansing breath travels out a point between ones’ eyebrows but physically travels out both nostrils (at least for us beginners) as follows:
Wrong Views - 1st cleansing breath of the Awaduti, cleanse and clear all wrong views which we hold
Confusion – 2nd cleansing breath of the Awaduti, cleanse all confusion
Ignorance – 3rd cleansing breath of the Awaduti, cleanse all ignorance
Some methods go through a complete set of left, right, central and then repeat two more time (threes sets in all). When you consider that the first cleansing of each channel is to cleanse at the most gross-level of the emotion, I can see the reasoning in this approach as well. The first set cleanses the gross level emotion, the second set cleanses a more subtle level, and the third set cleanses the most subtle level. In every case we are cleansing nine in all and the order can just change.
Upon completion of the Cleansing of the 9-Dead Winds, I enter into a short period of meditation to focus my mind and thinking one-pointedly. It is after focusing my mind and thinking that I can then begin recitation of a practice. Hopefully my mind is free of distractions, I am focused, mindful, and attentive.
Many Dharma Blessings,
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